Fox (pangram) - The Alphablocks sing about a quick brown fox that jumps over a lazy dog.Surprise (short A and AR) - Today is T's birthday, but he's trapped in a hole with R, A, and P.Bus (short vowels O and U) - The Alphablocks take a bus ride.Space (long vowels A and E) - The Alphablocks go to space.Hide (long vowels E and I) - E and Magic E play hide and seek.Quiet (digraph QU) - Q and U discover a little red noisy creature, which they call It.Map (letter R) - The Alphablocks have a treasure hunt, but R doesn't think she's a pirate.Jaybird (words beginning in JA_) - When J doesn't what she is, her friends help her.Note (plural nouns) - E and O have fun playing music with musical notes.Zzzzz (letter Z) - Z wants to march, but instead falls asleep and ends up in a dream.Magic (Magic E) - Magic E sings about long-vowel words with a Magic E at the end.ALPHABLOCKS GAME BEND DAILYMOTION SERIES.